Sunday, February 22, 2009

Email Nonsense Part II

As I have posted in my previous blog entry, forwarded emails flood our mailboxes everyday. However, we must learn to distinguish which are good ones and which speak of the truth, and therefore good and helpful to pass on. I opted to itemize here the truths in each forwarded mails I receive and I will be continuing to update this list regularly.

1. Red Bull Can Increase Heart Attacks or Strokes - FICTION
2. Hair Bands From China Made From Recycled Condoms - TRUTH
3. Popping Popcorn With Cell Phones - FICTION
4. Safety Tips For Women Regarding Abduction - FICTION
5. Help Find Ashley Flores - FICTION
6. Ericsson is Giving Away Free Laptops - FICTION
7. Pictures From Raid of Drug Dealer's House in Mexico - TRUTH
8. Storm Pictures of Hurricane Katrina - FICTION
9. A Whale of a Killing in Denmark - TRUTH & FICTION
10. Man Who Befriended a Great White Shark - FICTION
11. Giant 22-lb Rabbit - TRUTH
12. Chimpanzee Takes Over Mothering Duties for Two Tiger Cubs - TRUTH
13. Ligers, a Cross Between a Lion and a Tiger - TRUTH
14. Deaths From Soda Cans Contaminated With Rat Urine - FICTION
15. KFC Using Genetically Engineered Chickens With No Feathers or Beaks - FICTION

Whenever I receive forwarded emails of this sort these days, I can't help but roll my eyes and tell myself, really now?! Most of these emails were really impossible and yet, people keep on forwarding them, most probably believing them and not even thinking if it is true or not. However, some of these emails may seem unbelievable but they convey the truth!


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