Monday, February 23, 2009

Believing for a Supernatural Year

You might have planned on having an average year but God has already lined up an extraordinary year. You might have planned on just getting by but God is planning on abundance. He's planning on overflow.

Often times we look at situations that are happening in the natural. We might look at the economy, or our pocket book and are tempted to look at this year with a limited perspective, not really expecting much. But we have to realize God is a supernatural God. Just because we don't see a way doesn't mean God doesn't have a way. You may not see how things will work out, but all you need to respond with is, "Lord, I believe." God is directing your steps and will put the right people in your path and put you at the right place at the right time.

You may be in debt, but God says, "You're coming out. You're coming into overflow." The economy may be down but God says, "You're going to see supernatural increase, supernatural promotion" Get it in your spirit that it's going to be a supernatural year.

Decide to increase your expectancy and get into agreement with God. You're going to have some, "Who would have ever thought this could happen to me" blessings, explosive blessings that you will blast you into a whole new level. It's going to be a year where you see dreams come to pass, a year where you get stronger and healthier. It's going to be a year where you look back and say, "Wow! God outdid Himself this year!"


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