Sunday, April 11, 2010

Keeping the Faith

I was never much of a religious but I was always a believer. Sadly, my beliefs were always tainted by my pessimistic nature. But I have always tried on some improvement and the recent events make me happy to know that somehow I have really changed and am gearing towards positivity.

There are always hardships and pains but there is no point in moping about. You can't do anything about it because those pains are part of life. You can choose to wallow yourself in pity or give up altogether but you can always choose to be brave and go on with life clinging to your own faith to survive. And the latter is always the best option.

Even at times when you feel that you are already on the edge of a cliff, stand still. You will always be pulled away. You will always be saved. You just have to have faith.

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