Monday, April 5, 2010

Between Cowardice and Hope

I never imagined myself to be such a coward. But maybe I actually am. I have never been eloquent about my emotions and I tend to run away from confrontations. Yes, I'm tough. Yes, I'm fierce. Some even feel scared of my brave facade. But maybe it was just that, a facade. When reality hits, I cower in a corner. As stubborn as I am, hate to be told of. I was always afraid of the truth that slaps me in the face.

Yet, we really have to face reality in one way or another. It may be harsh and difficult, and painful but it's the reality. I may be afraid and hide for a long time but reality remains there. And the only way to conquer it is to face it.

We may all have our strengths but we also have our fears and weaknesses. In this journey that I am currently taking, I have definitely learned one thing. I may have been one of the most pessimistic persons in the world, but I learned not to lose hope. And with that hope lies my faith and belief that one day, I will get over all these. Someday, I will just laugh at today.

And holding that hope within my heart, I will stand tall and brave. Then there's nothing to be afraid of, after all.

1 comment:

  1. facing the reality of life is not easy.. but when you do it... it's magic... love u...
