Sunday, April 11, 2010

Keeping the Faith

I was never much of a religious but I was always a believer. Sadly, my beliefs were always tainted by my pessimistic nature. But I have always tried on some improvement and the recent events make me happy to know that somehow I have really changed and am gearing towards positivity.

There are always hardships and pains but there is no point in moping about. You can't do anything about it because those pains are part of life. You can choose to wallow yourself in pity or give up altogether but you can always choose to be brave and go on with life clinging to your own faith to survive. And the latter is always the best option.

Even at times when you feel that you are already on the edge of a cliff, stand still. You will always be pulled away. You will always be saved. You just have to have faith.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Love My Blog!

There are probably others out there who share the same thoughts as mine. I think blogging is one of the greatest inventions ever created. For quite a long time now, I was able to share my thoughts and feelings and express them in writing. I've kept diaries before but they have become cliche when blogging was made.

At times, you might feel like there's nothing to write about and it sometimes go on for days, even weeks. But there are times when you could write innumerable articles in one sitting. Sometimes it feels like all thoughts don't have enough space in my head and that they should not just swim there and I have to let them out. And here, alas, was my blog.

I should have taken up Creative Writing or Journalism as what I have envisioned myself taking up years before I had to make a decision. And though I did not, I don't have regrets. It's such a great relief to be able to sail away from everyday routine and breathe through writing. It's such a nice therapy, a break from the monotony.

Maybe if I had taken up a writing course and ended up in job in line with it, it would all feel boring. It wouldn't feel special like what I feel now whenever I write because writing feels like breaking the ice. And I feel free.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Between Cowardice and Hope

I never imagined myself to be such a coward. But maybe I actually am. I have never been eloquent about my emotions and I tend to run away from confrontations. Yes, I'm tough. Yes, I'm fierce. Some even feel scared of my brave facade. But maybe it was just that, a facade. When reality hits, I cower in a corner. As stubborn as I am, hate to be told of. I was always afraid of the truth that slaps me in the face.

Yet, we really have to face reality in one way or another. It may be harsh and difficult, and painful but it's the reality. I may be afraid and hide for a long time but reality remains there. And the only way to conquer it is to face it.

We may all have our strengths but we also have our fears and weaknesses. In this journey that I am currently taking, I have definitely learned one thing. I may have been one of the most pessimistic persons in the world, but I learned not to lose hope. And with that hope lies my faith and belief that one day, I will get over all these. Someday, I will just laugh at today.

And holding that hope within my heart, I will stand tall and brave. Then there's nothing to be afraid of, after all.

The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination by JK Rowling

I heard a news last night regarding a Filipino businessman who was being accused of plagiarism after copying excerpts from JK Rowling's graduation speech in Harvard in 2008 which he also used in his speech he delivered in Ateneo de Manila University just recently.

I got curious and searched for the piece which JK delivered and I felt compelled to share it after watching and hearing it. It might be comedic and funny but in reality doesn't necessarily mean so. It's full of wit and brilliance that no other than JK Rowling can come up with.

J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement from Harvard Magazine on Vimeo.
