Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Living in a World of Men

I sometimes caught myself thinking if I am in the right place. Sometimes I feel awkward finding myself in a group of men, the only female among them. I don't really find it disturbing, but I am just amazed to realize that I blend well with them.

Looking back, I thought growing up with men made me understand them more. As I am the eldest, I usually mingle with a lot of guy cousins while I was growing up. Though I started in an exclusive school for girls, I never had any aversions with dealing with the opposite sex. I have learned to adjust with them, frequently on the same page with them. One thing I have realized though, is that men and women are equal. I know this has been an ancient battle of the sexes but as we acknowledge that there are things men can do and women can't or men can't and women can, we may say that we are equal. No need to pride ourselves to pinpoint who's the superior one.

There are pros and cons, as there are always two sides of a coin. But I'd rather not dwell on the disadvantages. I find it amazing to be living in a world of men in the sense that I really belong there. Male dominates the workplace but I never find it hard dealing with them. I even smile when I read emails addressed as "Lady and Gents", making me feel distinct and special. I find them easier to persuade and eager to listen to whatever you say.

There are occupational hazards but as I said, it is simply amazing. As a realization though, there is no such thing as a world of men. We all belong in the same world.

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