Friday, December 7, 2012

What's with the Boots?

Since early this morning, people kept noticing that I was wearing boots. These are not new and I have even worn them a lot of times but it was only today that I received such curious glances and second looks and amazed compliments as well.
I know it was because I decided to wear them the "proper" way, my pants tucked inside the boots. I normally hide the boots under the edges of my jeans because I have already anticipated such reactions when people see you wearing them.
I thought of how this may be one of the differences in living in a tropical country. If you wear boots in Switzerland or most of other European countries, you probably won't get any second looks as this is what they usually wear especially in the cold seasons.
In tropical countries, however, people wear boots for fashion. People wearing them usually stand out since not many people wear them everyday.
Personally, I am quite fond of wearing clothes for fall or winter. Back in Dubai where winter falls between ten to eighteen degrees at its lowest, I usually got excited to wear cold weather clothing.
But living in Singapore does not allow me such extravagance when it comes to winter clothing. However, these past few weeks, the weather has been a bit cold and wet, thanks to the rainshowers we experience of late. Though we have these occasional downpour the temperature does not get too low to warrant wearing thick wool or fur jackets.
And so I found myself settling in my old pair of boots, one of my most comfy footwears. I just hope that someday I will get to experience "real" winter where I can wear knee-high boots without being too flashy and illiciting curious glances again.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bright Lights

I am always amazed by dazzling bright lights. The light symbolizes hope, wisdom and all of our heart's desires. The brighter they are, the more fervent our dreams become, wishing someday soon they will all come true.

The Artist

A painter, a singer, a writer, everyone is an artist in his own right. Some may praise you, some may mock you. But only you can say where your talent really lies. And as I had realized a long time ago, mine was never in painting! :D It was fun, though. ^_^