Saturday, September 24, 2011


Remembering "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" with this song. But even before the movie I already like this song and several other songs from One Republic.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Audio Books

I've been listening to audio books for several years now. They take my mind off stress at working and they just keep me going. I don't notice the time ticking by that I don't glance at the time to check whether it's already lunchtime or the most awaited time to go home. Recently, I got hold of copies with different genres, from romance to suspense to supernatural. Listening to audio books is really great but I don't recommend it to people who are not so multi-tasking or people who needs every bit of concentration to work other than listen to audio books.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Waking Up

I just woke up from a terrying nightmare. Not so frightening maybe but is so for me. I always feel that a presence of a snake in my dream always signifies something bad. I just hope it won't.

Can't go back to sleep and might just stay awake and get ready for another day. I'm having this anxiety attack again just when everything seems perfect. And maybe there is really nothing perfect that's why when everything runs smoothly something jumps in your way.

I hope and I know I'll get over it somehow. And it will all come to pass once again. It happens all the time. Especially now that everything seems to come to light I am more determined. And yes, I will wake up from a nightmare and into a glorious morning.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011